Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hello, Summer!

Yes, I've been quiet. I had to deal with my kids being sick at the same time --- a very rare occurence in this household. I also had to make sure I didn't catch the virus they had. The little girl had a really bad cough and high fever, while the teenager had a bad case of the sniffles and high fever as well. They were both sick for a whole week and during their 3rd term exams in school. It was the first time ever that my kids were forced to miss taking their exams. Mom was a bit stressed out, worried that this might be dengue. Fortunately for all of us, it turned out to be just a virus. Nevertheless, it was nasty but I'm glad that's all over now.

It's the week after and they're both taking special exams in school. I, on the other hand, am feeling better but still not normal. I've started going out and doing the usual stuff. But I still can't over-exert myself. My legs still suffer the most everytime I'm tired. Is that strange or what? 

It's summer, the kids will be busy and so will I. I'm hoping these Lola Legs will soon cease to exist.

I got a much-needed massage yesterday and it felt good because I had it mostly on my feet and legs. 

Scheduled to do blood extraction today so I can see my counts when I visit my Oncologist again either tomorrow or Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed! 

How's everyone doing? I've been praying a lot for those in my circle, as well as some who are newly-diagnosed, who are friends of friends or acquaintances. 

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