Saturday, February 2, 2013

Water, I'm Slowly Learning To Love You

Everyone knows how important water is. My Onco says it's one of the most natural forms of medicine for a sick body. It flushes out toxins from the body especially out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells, and provides environment for ear, nose, and throat issues.  

According to medical resources, the required daily intake for men is about 3 liters a day, while for women it's about 2.2 liters a day. Why is it so easy for me to imagine those amounts inside bottles of Coca Cola? That's 'cause I grew up not loving water. Throw me into the pool or make me spend a whole afternoon at the beach and I'm perfectly alright. But water INTAKE is a different story. 

I don't know what happened or whom I should blame for this haha. But my default drink has always been either Iced Tea or Coke. That's everywhere I go, including when I'm at home. There was a time, in the early to mid-2000s, when N and I would never ever have water at any given time. Just Coke. All day, everyday for years. Shaking your heads? I know, right. 

It's taken me a while to get used to drinking water as a daily habit. In fact, I still have to have soda every now and then. But my soda intake today is a far cry from what it was. I can now go a whole week without it. I've learned to drink more H20 especially after a chemo cycle, when all the crappy stuff needs to get out of my system, to avoid extreme side effects. The longer the toxins stay in my body, the more difficult it will be to recover from a cycle. That's all I keep in mind each time I have to down a huge glass of water. 

I still semi-struggle with having to drink too much. With soda, it's always, "May I please have some more?". But not with water. 

Sigh ... my on-going love-hate relationship with water. Make me fall in love with you some more!

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