Sunday, October 28, 2012

I've Been a Lazy Bum

So I'm not totally free from side effects. The weird thing is, the things I've been feeling are not in the list of those that are to be expected post-chemo. 

The main reason I haven't blogged since Thursday is that I've been sleepy most of the time. Fatigue is a common side effect, but I definitely don't feel tired. Just sleepy. All the time! 

Next ... I've been gassy since Wednesday. Although it's really tolerable, it started annoying me on Thursday because it just wouldn't go away. My Onco prescribed Zantac 2x a day and I'm now also taking Peppermint Tea which really helps. 

Other than these, I'm really still okay. In fact, I'm not complaining at all. The doctor says a lot of her patients would pay to get these very minor discomforts instead of the usual. She says I'm part of the 10% who don't or hardly feel the effects of chemo and that God loves me. I know that :) 

The other thing I noticed is my increased appetite. I've been eating like a pig, no joke! What's gonna happen to my tummy tuck? :( 

Seriously though, weight gain is the least of my concerns at the moment. My family is just so thankful they don't have to beg me to eat. 

I've had a really good week so far since Tuesday and I praise God for blessing me with this much strength!

Wishing everyone a productive and peaceful week ahead! 

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